Why Buy This Book?

Why should you buy Dr. Lyle Rossiter's new book
The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness?

You have a unique opportunity in front of you: spend a few minutes here and you will learn about a book that will change forever the way you look at politics. The book is The Liberal Mind, The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

Reading The Liberal Mind will enlighten you in a way you have never imagined.

  • No book before this one has explained the relationship between human nature and the political madness that governs modern life.

  • No book before this one has exposed the extraordinary madness of modern liberalism.

  • No book before this one has revealed the irrationality of the liberal agenda and related it to the neuroses of the liberal mind.

The Liberal Mind will explain human nature – your own and everyone else's – in a way that will transform your view of society and how it operates. The Liberal Mind will explain the madness of modern liberal thought and the agenda that grows out of it.

The Liberal Mind clearly explains:

  • the biological and psychological bases of individual liberty
  • the nature of human freedom and its inherent vulnerability to tyranny
  • the development and pathology of the self and its central importance in human freedom
  • the development of healthy and pathological narcissism, aggression and dependency
  • the development of healthy and impaired self-esteem
  • the development of healthy and impaired relatedness to others
  • the psychological requirements for making a good life
  • the economic, social and political conditions that promote a good life
  • the psychodynamics of political processes
  • the relationship between personality characteristics and the institutions of ordered liberty
  • the psychodynamics of socialism and other forms of collectivism.

The Liberal Mind will enlighten you about the dual or bipolar nature of man: his natural tendency toward autonomy and inherent need for mutuality.

The Liberal Mind relates fundamental personality characteristics to economic, social and political processes. It offers a nearly complete course in depth psychology and its relationship to freedom. It also offers an overview of personality development from birth to death: a comprehensive summary of the emergence of cognitive, emotive, behavioral and relational capacities and their relationship to individual freedom and the conditions of civilized liberty.

The Liberal Mind will enlighten you about the structure of ordered liberty, the critical role of the rule of law, and the moral imperatives behind the libertarian rules for a free and orderly society.

The Liberal Mind will enlighten you about the central importance of the family in a society of ordered liberty.

The Liberal Mind will teach you the principles of child rearing that promote growth to adult competence and the skills essential to participation in a free society.

Think these claims are extravagant? Think again: buy the book, read it, see for yourself.