Book Contents
1 THE BIPOLAR NATURE OF MAN Overview First Terms Basic Capacities The Elementary Condition The Morality of Survival Life in a Group The Danger of Government
2 RULES AND REASON Rules for Living Good and Moral Things The Golden Rule The Intersubjective Perspective Intersubjectivity and Obligation Government and the Intersubjective Perspective The Intersubjective Perspective and Generativity
3 DEPENDENCY AND COMPETENCE IN COMMUNITY LIFE The Resolution of Helplessness The Constraints of Conscience Skills for Living Ego Strength Conscience in the Individual and Society
4 SOCIAL POLICY AND CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT Socialism and the Modern Liberal Agenda The Meaning of Government in Modern Liberalism The Child's Growth to Competence Aspects of Development: Competence
5 ALTRUISM AND THE COMPETENT SELF Competence and Altruism The Intrusions of Government Welfare The Competent Self The Strength of Community
6 THE INNATE CHARACTER OF CHOICE Freedom and Choice Determinism, Strict and Otherwise Practical Determinism, Morality and Freedom Intrapsychic Threats to Individual Liberty
7 COMPETENCE AND COLLECTIVISM The Ideals of Autonomy and Cooperation Choice and Competence Individual Sovereignty and Government The Administrative State The Intrusions of Government
8 PARENTING AND CULTURE The Individual in Society The Irrational Self-Interest of Narcissism Early Mental Representations The Primitive Experience The Mother-Child Relationship as Social Process
9 THE IDEALS AND IMPERATIVES OF DEVELOPENT Freedom and the Origins of the Psyche Development and the Embrace of Freedom Wards of the State The Tools of Survival Rational Arrangements The Invitation to Regress American Cultural Decline Effects of the Liberal Agenda
10 SIGNS OF DECLINE The Symptoms of Societal Disorder Social Decay and Illegitimacy The Madness of American Government The Political Inequality of the Liberal Agenda The Fraudulence of Government
PART II Preface to Part II
12 THE SCIENTIFIC STATUS OF BEHAVIORAL DESCRIPTIONS Hard and Soft Science The Scientific Status of Inferences Concerning Human Behavior
13 CHALLENGES OF DEVELOPMENT Personality and Society Drives, Instincts and the Tasks of Living The Integration of Drives and Needs The Lizard Brain
14 THE DICHOTOMIES OF DEVELOPMENT The Goals of Parenting Functional Dynamisms and Dispositions Dichotomies and Development In Further Defense of Dichotomies The General Relevance of Developmental Dichotomies
15 CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL PROCESS Human Nature and Freedom The Mother-Child Relationship The General Nurturing Function of Mothering
16 ATTACHMENT, DETACHMENT, AND TRUST Mother and Child Social Institutions and Attachment The Political Relevance of Pathological Dependency Institutions and Values
17 TRUST, MISTRUST, AND THE SOCIAL PROCESS The Fundamental Importance of Trust The Liberal Strategy of Mistrust and its Consequences Additional Implications of Basic Trust
18 AUTONOMY AND SOCIAL PROCESS Individuation and Autonomy Autonomy as a Developmental Achievement Individuation
19 BIOLOGY AND AUTONOMY The Biological Foundations of Autonomy The Separate and Vulnerable Body
20 AUTONOMY AND THE SELF Self and Agency The Nature of the Self The Ideal of Individuation Initiative, Self, and Connection The Body-Self, Agency, and Autonomy
21 AUTONOMY, INDIVIDUAL, AND INDIVIDUALISM The Elements of Individualism Rules and Rights Under Individualism The Biological and Psychological Bases of Individualism The Relational Basis of Individualism Ethics and Individualism Individualism and History
22 CAUSE, EFFECT AND WILL Intention and Will The Emergence of Human Action Erickson on the Nature of Will Will as a Virtue Will and the Foundations of Law
23 RULES AND THE CHILD Additional Meanings of Will Mutuality and Power The Just Social Order
24 ATTACHMENT REVISITED Attachment and its Vulnerabilities Insecurity and Tyranny Personality Structure, the Self and Others
25 AN OVERVIEW OF EARLY DEVELOPMENT The Complexity of Development Biological and Early Psychological Foundations The Emergence of Mutuality The Deprivation of Indulgence
26 INITIATIVE The Concept of Initiative Purpose and Initiative Normal and Pathological Guilt The Biology of Initiative
27 THE FAILURE OF INITIATIVE Initiative, Industry and Virtue Initiative and the Good Further Reflections on Initiative Initiative, Virtue, and Freedom Additional Remarks on the Pathology of Initiative
28 THE FOUNDATIONS OF INDUSTRY The Juvenile Era The Technologies of Everyday Living Play, Magic, and Mystery in the Grade School Years Impairment in the Industry Era Healing in the Juvenile Era
29 ACHIEVEMENT IN THE JUVENILE ERA The Well Developed Juvenile The Virtue of Competence Competence and Healing
30 MORALITY IN THE JUVENILE ERA Altruism in the Juvenile Era
31 ADOLESCENCE AND IDENTITY Adolescence: Concept and Course The Risks of Adolescence The Transition to Adulthood
32 ADOLESCENCE AND FREEDOM Adolescence and the Elements of Freedom Individuation and the Consolidation of Identity The Enlarged and Private Self A Mind of One's Own Brief Adolescent Regressions
33 ADOLESCENCE, HEALTHY AND UNHEALTHY Healthy Action Revisited The Personal Pathologies of Adolescent Competence Personality Disorders and Freedom Personality Disorder Clusters Cluster A Disorders Cluster B Disorders Cluster C Disorders
34 ADOLESCENCE AND SOCIAL PATHOLOGY The Personal Requirements for Liberty Society and Freedom
35 ADOLESCENCE AND THE LIBERAL AGENDA Benign Collectivism The Liberal Agenda's Offer to the Adolescent The Liberal Manifesto: Major Principles of Modern Liberalism Collectivism over Freedom Illusory Freedom
36 YOUNG AND MATURE ADULTHOOD The Nature and Purpose of Adulthood The Adult Society Redefinition of the Self Identity and Commitment Adult and Government Mature Adulthood 37 FREEDOM AND FAMILY A Definition of Family The Competent Family
38 FAMILY FUNCTIONS AND THE LIBERAL AGENDA The Liberal Assault on the Family The Fruits of Modern Liberalism
39 THE COMPETENT SOCIETY Competence Revisited A System of Rules The Relevance of Character The Competent Society Rights that Structure Liberty Self-Ownership · First Possession · Ownership and Exchange · Self-Defense · Just Compensation for Takings · Limited Access · Restitution Reflections on Rights and Rules The Evolution of Rules
40 THE FORCE OF RULES Hypothetical Imperative The Obligatory Force of the Hypothetical Imperative The Importance of Rules Rules and Human Development Rules and Freedom
PART III Preface to Part III
41 THE BENIGN LIBERAL MIND The Assault of Modern Liberalism The Appeal of America Caretaking Sentiments Options for Helping The Benign Liberal Mind and its Illusions
42 THE FALLACIES OF POSITIVE RIGHTS Positive Rights and the Injustice of Suffering Varieties and Causes of Human Suffering Authentic Injustice The Just State The Vagueness of Liberal Principles
43 THE RADICAL LIBERAL MIND The Liberal Mind's Perception of Reality The Values of the Radical Liberal Mind The Psychodynamics of the Radical Liberal Mind Radical Liberal Themes Additional Psychodynamics of the Radical Liberal Mind Transference
44 THE RADICAL DEFICITS OF INFANCY The Developmental Deficits of the Radical Liberal Mind Basic Trust The Details of Basic Mistrust Failure in Basic Trust The Cynicism of the Radical Liberal Mind Radical Projection
45 RADICAL DEFICITS IN CHILDHOOD Radical Liberal Deficits: Autonomy, Initiative, and Industry The Radical Liberal's Confession The Radical Confession from Basic Mistrust The Radical Confession from Failed Autonomy The Radical Confession from Failed Initiative
46 RADICAL DEFICITS IN THE JUVENILE AND ADOLESCENT ERAS Radical Confession from the Industry Era The Radical Confession from the Identity Era The Epiphany of Politics Modern Liberalism as Personal Salvation
47 IDEAL AND REALITY IN RADICAL LIBERALISM The Consolidation of Radical Beliefs The Liberal Agenda as an Evil Ideal and Reality in Radical Liberalism Rights · Freedom and Autonomy · Economic Equality · Distributive Justice · Social Equality · Pluralism · Universal Love and Compassion · Anti-War and Anti-Violent Attitudes · Environmentalism · Education · Abortion · Feminism and Radical Feminism
48 INTEGRITY AND TREATMENT Integrity and the Lifecycle The Threat of Despair The Integrity of Self and Society Evaluation and Psychodynamic Diagnosis of Modern Liberalism Symptoms of Neurotic Liberalism Spontaneous Remission The Treatment of Modern Liberalism